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Palabras de Su Majestad el Rey Don Juan Carlos en la entrega del premio Bernardo de Gálvez al Senador Bob Menéndez

Embajada de España en Washington, 3.2.2015

We gather here today to celebrate the old and lasting friendship between Spain and the United States.

It is not by chance that the Spain-US Council created an award for distinguished Americans named after Bernardo de Gálvez. And today we present this award to Senator Bob Menéndez, a truly inspiring leader all through his political career and a great friend of Spain indeed.

"...Today we present this award to Senator Bob Menéndez, a truly inspiring leader all through his political career and a great friend of Spain indeed. His name was one of the first Spanish names in the Senate and he has always been proud of the Spanish historical and cultural legacy in the United States. As the Chairman of the US-Spain Council he has devoted an incredible energy to fostering relations between our two countries..."

His name was one of the first Spanish names in the Senate and he has always been proud of the Spanish historical and cultural legacy in the United States. As the Chairman of the US-Spain Council he has devoted an incredible energy to fostering relations between our two countries.

And it is indeed very telling that one of his last initiatives as Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee has been to hang the portrait of Bernardo de Gálvez in the Senate just a few days before that Congress declared him an honorary citizen of the United States.

Querido Senador, querido Bob, siempre te estaremos agradecidos y estoy seguro de que podremos seguir contando con tu ayuda y experiencia para seguir trabajando por la amistad entre nuestros dos grandes países.

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