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Mr. Alfonso Sanz Portolés


Alfonso Sanz Portolés was born on 28 July 1954. He is married with three children.

He attained a Bachelor's Degree in Law in 1984 and his first posting was the Directorate General of International Economic Relations.  He was subsequently posted at the Embassies of Spain in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in South Africa.

From 1989 to 1993 he held different positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and was Adviser and Deputy Director of the Offices of Ministers Francisco Fernández Ordóñez and Javier Solana Madariaga. 

In September 1993, he joined the Royal Household of His Majesty The King as Deputy Head of Protocol. And in July 2000, he was appointed Head of the Protocol Service.

By Royal Decree 1334/2011, of 29 September, he was appointed Secretary-General of the Royal Househouse of His Majesty The King. He currently serves as Diplomatic Councellor at the Royal Household of His Majesty The King.

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