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We continue to make every effort necessary to counter the scourge of drugs, and in doing so reach a future of greater freedom, full of hope for our youth and for all of Spanish society
Her Majesty The Queen Sofía
Royal Wedding in Athens
H.R.H. the Infanta Elena
H.R.H. the Prince Felipe
Her Majesty the Queen
Royal Family
H.R.H. the Infanta Cristina
XXV Anniversary of the Proclamation of HM the King
Wedding of H.R.H. the Prince of Asturias
Their Royal Majesties with their grandchildren
Wedding of HRH the Infanta Elena with Jaime de Marichalar
Wedding of HRH Infanta Cristina with Iñaki Urdangarin
Fotografía oficial de S.M. la Reina Doña Sofía
Fotografía oficial de S.M. la Reina
Fotografía oficial de SS.MM. los Reyes
Fotografía oficial de la S.M. La Reina
Boda de SS.MM. los Reyes en Atenas