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Serving the State, serving all Spaniards, with dedication; working for the general interest and promoting actions and initiatives for the common good; all this constitutes an unwavering, steadfast personal commitment for me
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"... Spain is an outstanding example of a country that has remained true to its spirit of openness in tumultuous times. Exports of Spanish companies are at record levels, for both goods and services; and, clearly, they are competitive at the global level. In fact, different Spanish companies are leaders in a good number of markets and sectors, including the most advanced and productive ones, or with greatest value added ..."
Palabras de Su Majestad el Rey en la inauguración de la XV edición del Spain Investors Day (SID)
Princess of Asturias Foundation
Hesperia Foundation
Princess of Girona Foundation
Coat of arms of His Majesty the King Felipe VI
Mensaje de S.M. el Rey en su proclamación ante las Cortes Generales
Viaje de Estado de Sus Majestades los Reyes a la República Italiana