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Mr. Alfonso Azores García


Mr Alfonso Azores García was born in Sidi Ifni on 3 July 1966.

He entered the General Military Academy in 1984, graduating in July 1989 as lieutenant quartermaster of the academy’s 44th year.

His first postings were in the Armoured Division, the Royal Guard and as supply and procurement instructor at the Army’s College of Logistics. He later held financial management and procurement roles in the Parachute Brigade and the Royal Guard, as well as in the procurement unit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) High Readiness Force Land Headquarters in Bétera, Valencia.

After completing the General Staff course, he was responsible for resource planning tasks in the Planning Division of the Army Staff. He also held the post of technical secretary at the Financial Affairs Command of the Defence Staff.
As lieutenant colonel, he led the Financial Affairs Command of the Military Chamber of the Household of His Majesty The King and of the Royal Guard (2013-2016).

In 2018, he was posted to the Deputy-Directorate for International Relations of the Directorate-General for Weapons and Materiel as the national representative of the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) and the European Defence Fund (EDF). He was an official in the EU Command and Control System.

When promoted to colonel, he was made responsible for the Quartermaster Corps Materiel Supply Centre and Depot (2019-2022), which during Operation Balmis became a logistics centre for the reception, storage and distribution of protective and disinfection material for the Armed Forces and the Emergency Military Unit (UME). After this term as a colonel, he was appointed Chief of Personnel Command on secondment, taking part in processes to assess military personnel.

In April 2023 he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general and posted as Deputy Director for Logistics Management to the Directorate for Integration of Logistics in the Army’s Logistics Support Command.
He was also stationed abroad for three years at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE 2007-2010) in Mons (Belgium) as project official in the area of resources for the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, taking part in weekly meetings of the Budget and Infrastructure committees at NATO Headquarters.

He has taken part in peacekeeping missions abroad on seven occasions, performing logistics and financial management tasks in the former Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Somalia and the Antarctic, under the aegis of the United Nations, NATO and the European Union. In 2017, he was deployed as liaison officer to the European Union Training Mission in Mali as part of the European Union Military Staff in Brussels.

He has completed the General Staff course, as well as courses in Advanced Management of Financial Resources, Advanced Logistics, Applied Financial Studies for the Military, Advanced Accountancy and other NATO courses on logistics and resources.

He is married and has three children.

Mr Alfonso Azores García was appointed Head of the Administration, Infrastructure and Services Unit of the Secretariat-General of the Household of His Majesty The King by Royal Decree 516/2024 of 30 May.

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