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   On 2 June 2014, His Majesty King Juan Carlos I notified the Prime Minister of his decision to abdicate by means of a document, signed in his presence, reproduced verbatim as follows:
   "At my proclamation as King, nearly four decades ago, I took on the firm commitment to serve the general interest of Spain, with the desire that citizens should be responsible for their own destiny and that our Nation should be a modern democracy, fully integrated in Europe.
   I then set out to lead the exciting national task that enabled the citizens to choose their legitimate representatives and undertake that great, positive transformation that we so needed in Spain.
   Today, as I look back, I feel nothing but pride and gratitude to the people of Spain.
   I am proud of the many good things we have achieved over these years.
   And I am grateful of the support I have been given by the people of Spain to make my reign, which began during my youth and in moments of great uncertainty and difficulty, a long period of peace, freedom, stability and progress.
   True to the political desire of my father, the Count of Barcelona, from whom I inherited the historical legacy of the Spanish monarchy, I wanted to be the King of all Spaniards. I identify with and am committed to their aspirations, I have taken pleasure in their success and I have suffered when pain or frustration has overcome them.
   The long, profound financial crisis that has befallen us has left deep scars in the social fabric, but it is also showing us the way to a hopeful future.
   These difficult years have enabled us to evaluate our own mistakes and our limitations as a society.
   And, as a counterpoint, they have also revived the proud awareness of what we have been and are still able to do and of what we have been and continue to be: a great nation.
   All of this has awakened in us an urge for renewal, improvement, correcting mistakes and opening the way to a decidedly better future.
   In forging that future, a new generation cries out with just cause for a leading role, just as my generation did at a crucial crossroads in our history.
   Today a younger generation deserves to move to the front lines, with new energy, with resolute determination to undertake the transformations and reforms that the current situation demands and to face the challenges of tomorrow with renewed intensity and dedication.
   My sole ambition has been and will always remain to contribute to achieving well-being and progress in freedom for all Spaniards.
   I want the best for Spain, to which I have dedicated my entire life and at the service of which I have employed all of my abilities, enthusiasm and efforts.
   My son, Felipe, heir to the throne, is the embodiment of stability, which is the identifying characteristic of the institution of the monarchy.
   When I turned seventy-six in January, I felt the time had come to prepare, in a few months' time, the take-over, to make way for the person who is in the best position to ensure that stability.
   The Prince of Asturias has the maturity, preparation and sense of responsibility necessary to assume the role of Head of State with full guarantees and to open a new period of hope that combines the experience acquired and the drive of a new generation. In so doing, I know that he will always have the support of Princess Letizia.
   For all of these reasons, guided by the conviction that I am providing the best service to the people of Spain, having recovered both physically and in my institutional activity, I have decided to put an end to my reign and abdicate the Spanish Throne, placing in the hands of the Government and Parliament my magistracy and authority so that they may make effective the succession to the throne in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
   I wish to express my gratitude to the Spanish people, to all those who have embodied the powers and institutions of the State during my reign and to all those who have generously and loyally helped me to fulfil my duties.
   And my gratitude to the Queen, whose collaboration and generous support have never failed me.
   I keep Spain, now and always, deep within my heart."
   His Majesty the King notified the President of the Congress of Deputies and the President of the Senate, and the Prime Minister gave notice of the document to the Council of Ministers.
   Article 57.5 of the Spanish Constitution establishes that "abdications and renunciations and any questions in fact or in law that may arise in connection with the succession to the Throne shall be settled by an organic law". This precept follows the historical precedents of Spanish constitutionalism, which in the foundational texts of 1845, 1869 and 1876 and, with variations, in other precedents, reserved for the legislative power the resolution of matters related to succession, as well as authorising abdication, even by means of a special act for each case. Although the current Constitution does not use this term, the cited precedents and the mandate of article 57 that a royal action be resolved by an organic law make this the appropriate legal instrument for regulating the effectiveness of the decision.
   Entry into effect of this organic act shall determine, as a result, that the abdication takes effect and that the succession to the Spanish Throne occurs automatically, following the order outlined in the Constitution.
Article one. Abdication of His Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Bourbon.
  1.    His Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Bourbon abdicates the Spanish Throne.
  2.    The abdication shall be effective when this organic law enters into effect.
Final provision. Entry into effect.
   This organic law shall take effect when it is published in the "Official State Gazette".