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Palabras de Su Alteza Real el Príncipe de Asturias en la recepción ofrecida por el gobernador de Nuevo México, Sr. Bill Richardson

Nuevo México(Santa Fe), 10.5.2009


overnor Richardson,


Ladies and gentlemen,

Buenas noches, good evening to you all,

We are so happy to be back in New Mexico! It has been exactly five years since our last visit... Thank you Governor, thank you very much for your generous words, your hospitality and especially for your kind invitation to take part in the City of Santa Fe's 400th anniversary celebrations. We are very touched by the warm welcome we have received by every one in this new visit, and overwhelmed by the sense of brotherhood and friendship you have offered us. Quite honestly, you have made us feel very much at home. You know that feeling, deep in our soul, that makes one say: yes, this is a very special place on earth with which I have an eternal bond. Well, that's New Mexico for us, that's New Mexico for Spaniards!

As heir to the Spanish Crown it is a great joy, an honour and a true privilege -together with my wife the Princess- to represent Spain and accompany you to the ceremonies that commemorate the Founding of the capital of this beautiful and fascinating State of New Mexico. Those events of the early 17th century gave birth to a magnificent city, which was built throughout the centuries by hard working and hospitable people who are proud of their past and determined to contribute to their country's best future.

This 4th Centenary also represents a historic landmark in its own that, in my view, perfectly symbolises two things:

First, the cultural richness of this land and of our intense ties with it, that are very present in so many aspects of life, even in the way we both are as people and societies. Look at New Mexican culture and idiosyncrasy; the aesthetics, the urban development and the architecture of this city. Also the prominence of the Spanish language in this and other parts of the country; the language of Cervantes, that brings together so many millions of people in the world into what we can call "la patria común de la cultura Hispana".

All this is what has shaped us the way we are so certainly it deserves the effort that lies behind this commemoration. The Princess and I are well aware of the hard work that has gone into all the events that take place these days during our visit, and in the coming months. Allow me to congratulate all the volunteers, the workers, the authorities... all New Mexicans really, for the special care and affection they have dedicated to prepare for these celebrations.

Secondly, I would like to emphasise that Santa Fe's 4th Centenary is also a splendid opportunity to enrich and boost our relations of friendship and cooperation between the United States and Spain. It is a great moment to look at the future! And to do so with confidence, based on the teachings of our shared history, because it shows us that together we were able to accomplish many things, but also that there is so much more ahead for us to undertake together. This is, to my mind, the main significance of centenaries like this one: building of future from the greatest knowledge of our past.

I am proud to know of so many specific realities in economic, political and cultural fields, more than ever before, that should give us great faith in our common future. Even after the World economic and financial crisis has -with out a doubt- taken a great toll on our economies, the outstanding potential for intensifying relations remains strongly based. Medical and scientific research, Higher Education, clean and renewable energy, communication and transport infrastructures and technologies, financial services..., all are good examples of areas with great mutual interest, a great deal of involvement and room for increased cooperation; but also our cooperation in many bilateral and multilateral frameworks for a wide variety of global or regional issues and problems, which is strong, loyal and fruitful, can go much further.

So we see there are so many important reasons for celebrating this special Anniversary beyond promoting with dignity and pride the legacy of our common heritage, for you all, yes; but also for us Spaniards and for the ever growing friendship between the United States and Spain. With all this in mind, I would like to raise my glass and propose a toast: to the personal happiness of Governor Bill Richardson and Mrs Richardson, to all of you, to the State of New Mexico and to the prosperity of the US and Spanish people.

Thank you very much.

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