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Palabras de Su Alteza Real el Príncipe de Asturias en la recepción ofrecida por el Alcalde de Santa Fe

Nuevo México(Santa Fe), 10.6.2009


onourable David Coss, Mayor of the City of Santa Fe,

Mr. Maurice Bonal, Chairman of "Santa Fe 400th Anniversary",

Ambassador Dezcallar,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you Mayor for your kind and generous words.

Over these two busy days we have had the honour and opportunity to get to know a little more of New Mexico and this magnificent city of Santa Fe. Thank you, in the name of the Princess and myself, for your extraordinary hospitality and for a stay which we shall never forget.

Allow me to "think aloud" and briefly share our impressions with you. We have seen a State and a city that are rightly proud of their history, of their culture and traditions. With active pride and determination, you recover your past through the excellence of many of your institutions -museums, cultural centres, universities- and you project this toward the future.

It is very exciting to feel that fruitful blend of tradition and modernity in this -now old- American city (the oldest capital in the US). It gives me such pleasure to express our respect and congratulations to the citizens of Santa Fe and New Mexico! We really feel close to you and proud of our strong past and present bond!

Mr. Major, Santa Fe is, indeed, a beautiful and welcoming city which leaves no one indifferent. It has deeply impressed us too. We shall carry with us an everlasting memory.

As we are approaching the end of this memorable visit, let me add that the time we have shared with you has encouraged us to continue fostering the friendship and the relationships in all fields between our two Nations, between the United States and Spain and particularly New Mexico. This is our great aim and one to which we devote our best energies.

I now would like to conclude by proposing a toast to you Mr. Mayor, to Mrs. Coss, to New Mexico and Santa Fe, to the men and women of this marvellous land, and to Spanish-American friendship.

Thank you very much.

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