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Palabras de Su Alteza Real el Príncipe de Asturias en el Centro Rabin

Israel(Tel Aviv), 4.11.2011

Honorable Minister of Education,

President of Tel Aviv University,

President of COMAS Institute,

Ms. Dalia Rabin,

Dear professors, students and researchers,

Thank you very much to all of you for making us feel so welcome and at home. Let me also express our gratitude both to the Minister of Education and to the President of the Tel Aviv University for their very kind words.

We are privileged to meet in this extraordinary and modern building, the Rabin Centre, which reminds us of a great Israeli, whom I had the honour to meet in Spain when he received the Prince of Asturias Award for his contribution to Peace. From this place, we have a stunning view of the beautiful skyline of Tel Aviv, an iconic city that proudly speaks of modernity in the Middle East.

"...Research and innovation are the best tools to ensure success. We encourage all of you to pursue your goals with determination. The Governments of both our countries are fully engaged in creating an environment that enhances the ability and results of deeper cooperation between Spanish and Israeli scientific institutions. You can count on our support. The future is yours. ..."

As you know, the Princess and I are paying our first Official Visit to the State of Israel invited by H.E. President Shimon Peres to mark the XXVth Anniversary of the establishment of our bilateral diplomatic relations as States, although the Jewish people and the Spanish people share a rich legacy that goes back many centuries. In the last decades we have built a strong relationship that looks into the future with confidence.

As we wished, we are meeting here today a group of talented and hard working young people. You are the main reason for our optimism. You are the best representatives of a promising better future. With your talent and the opportunities and incentives available to you in Israel there is no doubt that your country will add new achievements to the impressive progress it has already made in the field of Science and Technology.

In Spain, we also strive in the same direction, convinced that it is the best collective investment we can make to ensure continued social and economic well-being. I am pleased to tell you that the Princess and I are well aware of the importance of research, new technologies and innovation. In fact, we try to make our work and agenda reflect this priority as much as possible, especially by aiming to help and support the role that the younger generations are -or should be- playing in this field.

This is the reason why we wanted to meet you today in this Centre. Firstly, to open an exhibition on digital design co-organised by two institutions, IAAC and COMAS, from both our countries, with the support of Casa Sefarad-Israel. A good example of how our two nations can work together in science and technology. Secondly, we now have the pleasure of meeting and talking with a group of young Israeli students and researchers in various scientific fields from the Tel Aviv University, a much admired institution world wide.

Universities are the factories of the future. The Tel Aviv University is one of the leading centres that create and disseminate knowledge. The Princess and I feel very close to the University and are aware of its activities and the cooperation it pursues with Spanish scientific and academic institutions. Only a few weeks ago, we had the opportunity of greeting its Board of Governors in Madrid. And by the way, Mr. President, Professor Klafter, thank you and the group of researchers with you for the presentations made to us a few minutes ago. Very impressive!

We are looking forward to a further exchange of views with the rest of the students and researchers, including two Spaniards among you who are here doing research in biochemistry. And we would be so glad to hear from you about the projects you are working in and how you envisage the future.

We wish you great success in your fields of knowledge. As you all know, both Israel and Spain are modern and developed nations who have made great progress in a relatively short time. But we both also owe much of our present well being to the effort, sacrifices and vision of our forefathers (former generations). But History does not stop and no country can sleep on its achievements. In order to sustain development in this globalised era of the twenty first century, we must constantly face new challenges and be steadfast at finding new solutions.

Research and innovation are the best tools to ensure success. We encourage all of you to pursue your goals with determination. The Governments of both our countries are fully engaged in creating an environment that enhances the ability and results of deeper cooperation between Spanish and Israeli scientific institutions. You can count on our support. The future is yours.

Todá Rabá, Thank you very much.

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