Nos volvemos a encontrar un año más en esta gran cita del Mobile (MWC), imprescindible en la agenda de quienes trabajan cada día para llevar la tecnología un paso más allá, explorando nuevas dimensiones de la innovación y creando soluciones que transforman nuestra manera de vivir y de trabajar. También lo es para aquellos a los que nos apasiona la tecnología. Es la XIIIª edición a la que asisto y realmente es un placer poder acompañaros de nuevo.
Hace ya –o tan solo– tres años, lo hacíamos como hoy, pero apenas unos días tras el comienzo de la guerra a gran escala en Ucrania con la invasión rusa. Las razones para la firme condena y rechazo de tal agresion contraria a la legalidad internacional y la Carta de NNUU siguen muy vigentes y nuestro país, junto a la UE y muchos otros así lo seguimos haciendo. Quiero enviar, por tanto, una vez más y desde esta gran cita mundial, nuestro coherente y sostenido mensaje de solidaridad y apoyo –sustentado con palabras y acciones– al pueblo ucraniano en su legítima defensa y en su aspiración y derecho de lograr una paz justa y duradera, defendiendo su independencia e integridad territorial.
Señoras y señores,
Quiero agradecer nuevamente a la GSMA, a la Mobile World Capital (dentro de ella a FIRA BCN…), y a todos los que colaboran hoy –o lo han hecho a lo largo de los años–, por vuestra dedicación, desvelo y gran trabajo para organizar este despliegue espectacular que cada año nos abre ventanas al futuro, nos ofrece motivos de esperanza y nos acerca el mundo a España, a Cataluña, a esta querida y gran ciudad de Barcelona.
Permitidme ahora, por tanto, dar la bienvenida más cordial a todos los participantes, especialmente a quienes han viajado desde lejos para asistir al que podemos considerar “el mayor y más influyente acontecimiento mundial sobre conectividad”. Con 2.700 empresas expositoras y 1.200 ponentes, las cifras hablan por sí solas.
El Mobile va arribar a Espanya, a Barcelona, per primera vegada el 2006, i des de llavors no ha deixat de créixer en contingut i en repercussió fins a convertir-se en un referent sòlid del sector. Catalunya se situa de nou com a punt neuràlgic de la innovació tecnològica. Durant els propers dies, aquí es donaran cita una important representació d'alts directius de les principals companyies globals, firmes expositores, startups, líders d'opinió i responsables públics que, de moltes maneres, faran realitat el lema d'enguany: convergir, connectar i crear.
Voldria compartir algunes breus reflexions sobre aquest, ja que resumeixen la meva visió del paper del Mobile en l'actual ecosistema digital. Permetin-me que continuï la meva intervenció en anglès.
On the 1st part of this year’s three word theme, “converge”, I believe we can all agree that the Congress is above all a meeting place —an immensely important meeting place —, for debate and for sharing knowledge and experience on major connectivity challenges. At this year’s event, revolving around AI, it is vital to reaffirm the industry’s commitment to safe and responsible development. Let us be open and forthcoming but also cautious and not naïve.
Moving forward in a coordinated way will be central to ensure that we implement this transformation with the utmost safety and security for consumers, who have entirely understandable concerns over protection and privacy. Now, as so often has been the case, the key will be to strike the right balance between innovation and regulation.
Moving on to the 2nd word of the theme, “connect”, the MOBILE unquestionably enables networking between suppliers and clients, authorities and businesses, and the public and private sectors. The aim is clear: to find common ground, work together, and build an ecosystem that encourages development, extending well beyond the mobile technology sector. This event is a space where all kinds of interrelated technologies meet with connectivity, directly or indirectly, expanding its reach and boosting the creation of innovative solutions that can feed into different industries and sectors.
Turning to the 3rd and final word that composes the theme, “create”, these networks unarguably promote new ideas, products and services, which in turn drive the creation of new businesses. Many projects become a reality thanks to start-ups, which play a vital role in job creation, innovation and competitiveness. This dynamic ecosystem not only fosters economic growth but also ultimately contributes to the well-being of society as a whole.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Spain is taking great strides forward in communications and technology, with rapid advances –beyond the scope of this event– towards a more digital and connected future. Our country has some of the best infrastructure for connectivity in the world; Spain has the largest fibre optic network in Europe (3rd largest in the OECD); and more than 90% of “over-fifteens” have a mobile phone.
In addition, Spanish is the 3rd most frequently used language online, with 515 million users, surpassed only by English and Mandarin.
This connectivity has facilitated a number of achievements, including good performance by our economic model and growth in exports of non-touristic services.
Spain also has over 190,000 mobile telecommunications stations and an extensive network of undersea cables connecting it with Europe, Africa and the Americas; in fact, the cable connecting Spain with the USA is the fastest in the world.
This entire infrastructure, all of this progress, is possible owing to the remarkable drive of the private sector —by your businesses— with steadfast support from the public sector. It is crucial for the two sectors to work towards shared goals: improving the Spanish economy, and consolidating our performance both as an attractive and stable market and as a loyal partner in Europe and the world at large.
Ladies and gentlemen,
This progress, these advances, benefit greatly from two key spaces within this Congress, which I cannot fail to mention:
“Four Years from Now”, where great ideas are shaped; a place for start-ups and investors to meet, a place where digital start-ups can interact with the major players in the ecosystem, and where investment opportunities may lead to the next big innovation. Over its 11-year history, the event has forged a solid reputation as a driver of creativity and entrepreneurship.
And “Talent Arena”, a space for attracting talent, which has grown since the pilot event in 2024. More than 200 experts will share their experiences in this event, to foster learning and also links among professionals in the digital sector, to promote growth, and drive the development of talent in the industry.
On the subject of growth and development, before I finish I would like to thank Mats Granryd for his outstanding work with the GSM Association over the past nine years. Mats, it has been a true pleasure to walk this path with you.
I wish everyone a very productive and enjoyable few days. In so being, you will undoubtedly be of great service to society. I am sure that again the good work and results of this new edition of the MWC will extend well beyond this week, as they always have. Over these past years, owing to this continuous success, you have all helped Barcelona consolidate a strong leadership position in innovation and connectivity. 2026 will be the 20th year of this singular event, and I am confident that we will once again meet here, to celebrate two decades of the Mobile World Congress.
Thank you very much.