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Palabras de Su Majestad el Rey en la reunión de negocios España-Omán

Muscat. Omán, 4.30.2014

I want to start by expressing my gratitude and appreciation to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said and the people of Oman for the hospitality extended to me and to my delegation.

It is indeed an honor and a pleasure to be back here, in the capital city of a fascinating country that I know well and where I feel at home. Thanks to the leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, Oman is today a stable and more prosperous country.

It has successfully combined tradition and modernity, and gained international respect and recognition for its contribution to peace and security and for its capacity to promote dialogue and mediation among nations.

Spain has a centuries-old tradition of strong relations with the Arab peoples which is reflected in our language and culture. And now, in order to improve mutual awareness and understanding, we have created Casa Árabe, or “Dar Al-Arabía”, which actively endeavours to bring our societies closer together.

We are proud to note that Omani authorities are counting on cooperation from Spanish institutions and specialized Spanish companies to undertake landmark projects.

Among others, the restoration of its architectural and historic heritage, the ongoing interior works at the new National Museum, and the design of the Omani Tourism Strategy.

The official and business delegation that has come with me to Muscat shows how important Oman is in our political and economic agenda.

In fact, the businessmen that are here today represent renowned Spanish companies with a solid international reputation and expertise in the sectors of infrastructure, energy, oil and gas and defense industry.

"...Thanks to the leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, Oman is today a stable and more prosperous country. It has successfully combined tradition and modernity, and gained international respect and recognition for its contribution to peace and security and for its capacity to promote dialogue and mediation among nations...."

They wish to continue their involvement in the ambitious development projects foreseen by the Sultanate in the framework of its successive five year plans and Vision 2020.

We aim at the creation of a solid network of relations between policy makers and companies of both countries.

This forum should  eventually lead to a mutually beneficial increase in reciprocal exchanges of goods and investment.

Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Having undergone a period of economic crisis with a painful loss of jobs, Spain is now returning to the path of economic growth, and foreign capital is strongly returning to our country.

That is the result of a strict policy of fiscal consolidation, ambitious structural reforms and a deep reform of the financial sector.

Today our main imbalances are being corrected. Although we still have a long way to go, figures indicate that we are heading in the right direction.

At the same time, Oman is facing the challenges of modernity with visionary projects deeply rooted in its rich history as a trade hub and cultural bridge between Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

I hope that this visit will mark a turning point in deepening our mutual knowledge and the relations between our peoples. Not only because of the agreements that will be signed today, but also because of the bright prospects for cooperation between our two countries.

I do believe there is much we can do together.

Thank you very much.

Itzuli Hitzaldiak atalera
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Bidaia ofizialak

Viaje Oficial a Omán
Don Juan Carlos recibe el saludo de Su Majestad Sultán Qaboos Bin Said29.4.2014/1.5.2014