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Brindis de Su Majestad el Rey en la cena ofrecida en honor de Sus Majestades los Reyes por la Universidad de Georgetown

Washington D.C., 9.16.2015

President Jack DeGioia,

It is truly a great joy to be back on campus, here in Georgetown University, my dear alma mater. It is even more special as for the first time Letizia and I are coming back to Georgetown as King and Queen of Spain in the framework of our first official visit to the United States.

As a proud Hoya, what I left here and what I received in this University is very precious to me and I always keep that experience as a very enriching one. In my mind, I never really left completely this campus because I have the chance to test in real life all what I have learned here about the complex world of int’l relations, which is increasingly relevant in the world of politics. I also keep many good friends with whom I am regularly in touch and I have visited Georgetown a number of times over the years to participate in different events; such as supporting the Chair under my previous title, Prince of Asturias….

But of course this is a special occasion. As Spain’s new Head of State I represent now a modern country with ancient roots, one which shares many values, affinities and interests with the United States.

"...Twenty years after my graduation, I realize how the relations between our two countries have become much richer since the times I was a student in this campus. I feel proud to witness Spanish companies invest more in the States than American companies in Spain and to know that they employ more than 80.000 Americans. It is also great to state how Spain is the second preferred destination overseas for American students. We receive up to 25.000 a year. Let me also tell you that Spanish is the second most-spoken language in the United States as well as the second language for international communication worldwide. Finally, I must underline that our friendship as nations and peoples has grown strongly. Today, Spain and the United States are closer than ever not only in NATO but also facing the new challenges together. For me it is a tremendous honor to serve now as Head of State and be a part of this great time in our bilateral relations that are the great foundations of our shared history and values..."

Georgetown is a very prestigious institution. Being aware that the quality of education and the promotion of science have become ever more important priorities in the current world, it was my wish to meet here, precisely in Georgetown, with a group of eminent Spanish researchers who are making very significant contributions to scientific progress in the United States. Their work is also useful and relevant for the advancement of science in Spain and this is what their opening conference tomorrow is all about.

Twenty years after my graduation, I realize how the relations between our two countries have become much richer since the times I was a student in this campus. I feel proud to witness Spanish companies invest more in the States than American companies in Spain and to know that they employ more than 80.000 Americans. It is also great to state how Spain is the second preferred destination overseas for American students. We receive up to 25.000 a year. Let me also tell you that Spanish is the second most-spoken language in the United States as well as the second language for international communication worldwide. Finally, I must underline that our friendship as nations and peoples has grown strongly. Today, Spain and the United States are closer than ever not only in NATO but also facing the new challenges together. For me it is a tremendous honor to serve now as Head of State and be a part of this great time in our bilateral relations that are the great foundations of our shared history and values.

Dear President DeGioia, let me thank you once again for the warmest possible welcome in this institution so dear to me. This visit is also special in a very personal way as I have been able to show my wife, Queen Letizia, a bit more of the place that I so often talk about all these years. We were here together briefly once before, soon after we married, but now she can realize a bit more why this attachment of mine to Georgetown University.

And now I would like to invite you all to raise your glasses and join me in a toast:

…to the future of this excellent University that I feel so close to my heart, and…

…to the long-lasting friendship between our two great nations.

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Viaxes Oficiais

Viaje Oficial a los Estados Unidos de América
Sus Majestades los Reyes con el presidente Barack Obama y su esposa Michelle15.9.2015/18.9.2015