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Palabras de Su Alteza Real el Príncipe de Asturias en la recepción ofrecida al Secretario General de Naciones Unidas y a la Junta de Jefes Ejecutivos del Sistema Naciones Unidas

Palacio Real de El Pardo. Madrid, 4.4.2013

The Princess and I are delighted to welcome you to Spain and we are very happy to host this reception in your honour tonight.

I would also like to welcome this evening, here at the Royal Palace of El Pardo, the Vice President and Ministers of our Government together with other Spanish Authorities and most distinguished guests / También quiero dar la bienvenida a la Vice Presidenta y Ministros del Gobierno, junto a las demás autoridades españolas y a los distinguidos invitados que nos acompañan.

"...we are all strong believers and advocates of the paramount role and missions that the United Nations increasingly has in this globalized and interdependent world we live in; a role which ultimately seeks higher standards of welfare and progress for mankind..."

I am also very glad that you have decided to hold the spring meeting of the UN Chief Executives Board in Madrid. Our capital is an open, welcoming city that is pleased to receive such distinguished guests.

Let me just state that we are all strong believers and advocates of the paramount role and missions that the United Nations increasingly has in this globalized and interdependent world we live in; a role which ultimately seeks higher standards of welfare and progress for mankind. In this sense, your daily strives as professionals, deeply committed to such high endeavours, deserve our utmost recognition.  Furthermore, you can be sure to rely on the wide support of the Spanish People.

Let me just add that Their Majesties the King and the Queen have asked me to convey to you their warmest regards and their best wishes for a very pleasant stay in our country. It is my great pleasure and honor to do so.

With those thoughts in mind, allow me to raise my glass and wish you all very fruitful and successful meetings the next couple of days here among us.

Thank you.

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