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Palabras de S.M. la Reina en el acto con motivo del "Día Mundial de la Investigación en Cáncer"

Sede de la AECC. Madrid, 9.24.2020


ood evening and thanks for everyone for taking part in the World Cancer Research Day an open dialog organized by the Spanish Association Against Cancer with wich you will put into the agenda and lay out the prioritys in Cancer Research for the coming years.

" international and comprehensive research is indeed essencial for success sharing knowledge, generally, is no longer an option but a dare necessity..."

Needless to say that the backbound of your discussions might will be COVID-19 its impact and research activity, and the reality by wich cancer pacients are quirly facen its consequences. I don't think I need to get into the further detail. We are going to listen to you very carefully today in order to strengthen the very challengen and powerfull idea this day is that Collaborative. Network international and comprehensive research is indeed essencial for success sharing knowledge, generally, is no longer an option but a dare necessity.

Thank you all again and my deepest gratitude to AECC for bringing us all together today.

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​Investigación Cancer