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Palabras de Su Majestad el Rey en el almuerzo ofrecido por la Excma. Sra. Gobernadora de Nueva Gales del Sur

Sydney, 6.26.2009


our Excellency,

First of all, I would like to thank you very much -both personally and on behalf of the Queen and of my entire Delegation- for your generous welcome, and for the kind words that you have just spoken, filled with warmth and affection for Spain and the Spanish people.

We have wonderful memories of our previous visit in 1988 to this impressive and dynamic city of Sydney.

Likewise, my entire Family remembers, with fond gratitude, the friendly reception they were given during their stay in Sydney in 2000, during the Olympic Games.

The State of New South Wales and its capital, Sydney, are not only a showcase for this large and prosperous country, but they have also won the reputation of being a generous, welcoming land for all those coming from other continents.

Today, there is a growing understanding between Australia and Spain, thanks to the dynamic nature of our political, economic, and social ties, of which the Business Forum, which we inaugurated this morning, is a good example.

Fortunately, our country has overcome the circumstances that led so many Spaniards to immigrate to Australia, especially in the nineteen sixties.

I am very pleased to see the high profile that Spain has achieved in Australia over the past three years.

Indeed, this afternoon I will have the opportunity to underline it at our meeting with the Spanish community in this country.

Our technology is present in Australia in such essential sectors as defence, water treatment, or renewable energy.

Spanish corporations are building major desalination plants in Perth and Adelaide, as well as the biggest wind farm in the Southern Hemisphere in the State of Victoria, and contributing to the renovation of the Royal Australian Navy.

Spain?s desire for closer ties with Australia extends to many other interesting fields.

I am particularly glad that the Instituto Cervantes has chosen this great city, known for its lively cultural scene, to open its first centre in Australia.

I hope that this new addition to the huge Cervantes worldwide network will become a symbol of the fresh impetus that we want to give to our bilateral relations.

Moreover, I am convinced that the Instituto Cervantes centre will contribute to satisfying the growing demand for Spanish language and culture in Sydney and Australia as a whole.

I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to most sincerely thank the Australian authorities, institutions and people, for their support and affection, which this and so many other recent Spanish initiatives have enjoyed.

Let me finish my words by thanking your for your presence at this dinner and by underlining the spirit of growing closeness and friendship that Spain seeks with this fruitful State Visit.

Thank you very much.

[Versión en español]


Quiero, ante todo, agradecerle -en nombre de la Reina, de toda mi Delegación y en el mío propio- su generoso recibimiento, y las amables palabras que nos acaba de dirigir, llenas de afecto y simpatía hacia España y los españoles.

Guardamos un gratísimo recuerdo de nuestra anterior visita en 1988 a esta imponente y dinámica ciudad de Sydney. Igualmente, toda mi Familia recuerda con afecto y gratitud las atenciones recibidas durante su estancia en Sydney el año 2000, con motivo de los Juegos Olímpicos.

El Estado de Nueva Gales del Sur y su capital, Sydney, no sólo constituyen el escaparate de este gran y próspero país, sino que se han caracterizado por ser una generosa tierra de acogida para personas venidas de otros continentes.

Hoy crece el entendimiento entre Australia y España gracias al dinamismo de nuestros vínculos políticos, económicos y sociales, de los que es buen reflejo el foro empresarial hispano-australiano que hemos inaugurado esta mañana.

Me alegra comprobar la intensa actividad que ha logrado la presencia española en Australia en los tresúltimos años. Precisamente, esta tarde tendré ocasión de recordarlo en el encuentro que mantendremos con la colectividad española en este país.

Nuestra tecnología está presente en Australia en sectores tan fundamentales como la defensa, el tratamiento de aguas o las energías renovables.

Empresas españolas construyen las importantes plantas desalinizadoras de Perth y Adelaida, el parque eólico mayor del hemisferio sur en el Estado de Victoria, y contribuyen a la renovación de la Armada australiana.

Ese deseo de España de estrechar sus lazos con Australia se extiende a otros muchos interesantes campos.

Así, el Instituto Cervantes ha elegido esta urbe, conocida por su pujante vida cultural, para abrir su primer Centro en Australia.

Espero que esta nueva sede del?Cervantes? llegue a simbolizar el nuevo impulso que deseamos imprimir a nuestras relaciones bilaterales.

Estoy, igualmente, convencido de que el Instituto contribuirá a satisfacer, al menos en parte, el creciente interés que la lengua y cultura españolas despiertan en Australia y en Sydney.

Permítanme terminar mis palabras agradeciéndoles este almuerzo y subrayando el espíritu de creciente amistad entre Australia y España, que ha presidido esta Visita de Estado.

Muchas gracias.

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