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Palabras de bienvenida de Su Majestad el Rey a Su Excelencia el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, Joseph R. Biden Jr

Palacio Real de Madrid, 6.28.2022

​Buenas tardes, good afternoon,

Es una gran satisfacción para mí dar la bienvenida a España al Presidente de los EEUU de América, Joseph Biden, en esta su 1ª visita a nuestro país como Presidente de la gran nación norteamericana; país aliado, socio económico y comercial de primer nivel y, sobre todo, país amigo.

"...Spain and the USA share profound historical and cultural ties. We are very proud of them; but, more importantly, we share, common values and principles that are today the foundation of a rich and wide-ranging relationship and a sincere friendship, which we highly appreciate, and which we want to continue strengthening every day..."

Mr. President, I am especially pleased to welcome you to our capital city, Madrid, because we’ve had the opportunity to meet on other occasions ─in our previous capacities or responsibilities─, and I greatly appreciate those opportunities and the conversations we’ve had in the past.

Spain and the USA share profound historical and cultural ties. We are very proud of them; but, more importantly, we share, common values and principles that are today the foundation of a rich and wide-ranging relationship and a sincere friendship, which we highly appreciate, and which we want to continue strengthening every day.
President Biden and his delegation (to which we also extend a warm welcome) are visiting us to attend this very important NATO Summit held in Madrid.

This is, undoubtedly, an especially relevant summit in which the allied countries must continue to show our unity and our determination to defend our freedom and our democratic values.
Mr. President, we are delighted to have you here with us, together with your wife, the 1st Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, and we wish you a very happy stay in Spain.

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Encuentro con Su Excelencia el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, Sr. Joseph R. Biden, Jr